Create a relation object that includes methods implementing select, project, and rename operations. The relation and its methods must follow the mathematical definitions described in class and in the textbook. For example, the operators must not produce relations which have duplicate tuples or duplicate names in the schema.
Implement at least 10 tests to validate the select, project, and rename methods:
At least 4 of the 10 tests must mimic a datalog query in that they use a sequence of select, project, and rename to answer the query (as explained below in the FAQ).
The tests must be testing either a select, project, rename, or a query; they may not test if the relation you create is structured properly (i.e. proper sorting, no duplicates, etc.; while these things are important, they are not what should be tested).
Both types of selects must be implemented.
The tests must be documented and justified: what does the test accomplish?
Each test must be marked with comments explaining what operation is being performed and why.
For the 4 tests that mimic a query, the comments must include the actual query that is being mimicked.
Each of the tests must test something different; if one test case tests the same thing as another, it isn't telling you anything new, and therefore it won't be counted as one of the 10 tests.
The tests must be testing either a select, project, rename, or a query; they may not test if the relation you create is structured properly (i.e. proper sorting, no duplicates, etc.; while these things are important, they are not what should be tested).
Both types of selects must be implemented.
The tests must be documented and justified: what does the test accomplish?
Each test must be marked with comments explaining what operation is being performed and why.
For the 4 tests that mimic a query, the comments must include the actual query that is being mimicked.
Each of the tests must test something different; if one test case tests the same thing as another, it isn't telling you anything new, and therefore it won't be counted as one of the 10 tests.
Write an RDBMS-based interpreter for a Datalog Program. Given a Datalog Program object from the datalog parser, your interpreter should create an instance of a database object holding relations and then compute and print the result for each query using only the facts form the input (interpretation of the rules will be added in Project 4). Your design should include a class for the database and use your relation from part 1. Queries must be implemented by performing the appropriate relational operations as in the tests from part 1 (select, project, and rename). As a reminder, use the datalog object from the parser to initialize the database object, and then interpret the queries in that same object to generate the output. Queries should become a series of select, rename, and project calls on one of the relations in the database.
To format the output for pass-off, you must make it look like the examples below. Note the following: The queries are to be evaluated in the order listed in the Datalog Program. For each query, print the query and a space. Then, if the query's resulting relation is empty, output “No”; and if the resulting relation is not empty, output “Yes(n)” where n is the number of tuples in the resulting relation. If there are free variables in the query, print the tuples of the resulting relation, one per line and indented by two spaces, according to the following directions. Each tuple should be a comma-space separated list of pairs–(variable, string-value)–ordered according to the order of variable appearance in the query. The format of a pair is v= 's', where v is the variable and 's' is the string value. Sort the tuples alphabetically based on string values in the tuples' variables (sort with the first sort key as the first variable (in order of appearance in the query), the second sort key as the second variable, and so on).