Cybersecurity Researcher, Front-End Developer, Video Creator
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This web app was designed to help small businesses become more secure by helping them understand some of the various industry security frameworks. The business owner fills out a questionnaire to help the server know what frameworks are necesssary, and what requirements the business is already fulfilling.
The web app was designed with a react front-end, a node.js express back end, and an SQL Database. The back-end server has 3 API endpoints. One pulls the initial list of questions(Ones that we will ask all customers regardless of other answers). The second takes in a Question ID, and returns all questions that have the question ID as their parent question in the database (More on that later). And the final endpoint takes a JSON object of question ID's, answers, compliant answers, and criticality. It returns a custom excel sheet with all the controls listed that the company should become compliant with, as well as the actual action to take.
The Backend begins with index.js, which maps all the routes. Each of those routes is stored in routes/, which simply creates an express route and calls the service. Each of the API endpoints maps to a specific service.
The Database has a questions table, where all questions are stored. The attributes are QID(Question ID), ParentQ, QText, MoreDetail, QSummary, Criticality, and CompliantAnswer. There is the Control Table, which has attributes of ConrolID, FrameworkID, Name, and Description. And because this is a many-to-many relationship, we have a junction table called Question_Control, which has a QCID, QuestionID, and ControlID. This is to map the questions to the controls. Finally, there is a Framework Table, which has the FID, Name, and Source. This is just a reference for the developers to understand which frameworks are in use in the web app.
React.JS, Express.JS, Node.JS, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, Adobe XD